The Practice Marketing Podcast

PT & Psychotherapy Under One Roof? w / Chloe Tudor, RMT

Neil Trickett, PT Season 6 Episode 4

Ever considered adding mental health services to your practice? It may make more sense than you think! This week, Neil has a fantastic talk with Chloe Tudor, RMT and Co-Owner of For Health's Sake, a 3-location multidisciplinary practice in Ontario. She'll share about...

  • How mental health + PT work together
  • Why patients like holistic care
  • Why mental health generates more revenue than PT
  • Her incredible success with Google Ads
  • ...and why Practice Promotions has given her confidence as a business owner 

Don't miss this great episode!

About Chloe Tudor, RMT

Chloe Tudor is a Massage Therapist and the co-founder of For Health’s Sake, a successful 3-location multidisciplinary practice in Ontario, which includes physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, psychotherapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, and osteopathy.

Visit their website at: